el doble y otros relatos


If I have seen further is because I am seated on the Giants’ shoulders, wrote Isaac Newton to Robert Hooke. The sentence is not original from Newton actually, and it could very well be a hidden invective dedicated to his interlocutor. Already on 1159 Juan de Salisbury wrote in his work Metalogicon: Bernardo de Chartres used to say that we are like dwarves on the giants shoulders. We can see more and further than them, not due to a physical distinction of ours, but because we are elevated to a larger height.

Authors like Poe, Borges, García Márquez, Cortázar or Juan Rulfo are the giants over whose shoulders a footbridge with twentyfour stories has been built. These stories presented here are stories of this and other worlds, those we try to reach from the moment we are human with questions, stories or religions in the perpetum crossing of a dead-end border. This route is intended to re-create this footbridge on a scale, and it is to be expected that readers will enjoy it as they go through the dizzying structure that battalions of hard-working and stubborn dwarves have erected based on Golden Bugs, Forking paths, Sleeping beauty’s airplanes, Face up nights, Luvinas: -What is it? -he told me; -What is what? -asked; -That, the noise; -It is silence, builders echoed in the echo, still discussing and working on the abyss.


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I am here again, in this obscurity with words. Now, without you, I am darkness and I am words. This is way  this novel begins, with the letter that Alejo writes to his distant beloved. The moment of writing the letter is the best in the days of the protagonist, occupied nearly completely,  in the caring of the so numerous elderly and is also occupied in “rising” the tower in which they live. The Humanity  eventually defeated Death, finding out the clue in the final moments of the decrepitude of people, who instead of dying, and after a short and transitory process, they live practically for ever. But some time ago a cosmic cataclysm stopped the earth rotation and its inhabitants have to re-create days and nights with the use of huge machinery that transports whole cities through the border-line between light and darkness to keep the circadian rithms, which their lives have been built with, do not collapse, not to be destroyed.

Interview in Libros y Literatura
Review by Raquel Arévalo

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